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Call 24/7: 1-866-428-0292
Who benefits from our services?Everyone does! We work with seniors and their loved ones to narrow down options and services for aging at home or relocating to the right retirement home. We find options best suited for both lifestyle and budget. We work directly with healthcare providers and offer a 24 hour, 7 days a week, urgent residence locator service. We quickly locate accommodations and care services based on client needs for prompt connections.
Why should I use your service as opposed to contacting the community or service provider myself?Navigating resources, services and accommodations can be exceptionally time consuming, not to mention comparing the offerings and services can be confusing for first timers. Our FREE service provides you with the advice and guidance to help you to make informed and knowledgeable decisions.
What can I expect when working collaboratively with Help for Mom?We are not a call centre, you will work with the same advisor. As an impartial party, we have the ability to help you compare and analyze options by providing you with experience and quality information. You will have peace of mind knowing that you are making the best, informed decisions for you or your loved ones.
What criteria do you use to base your recommendations?During what we call a "Discovery Meeting" we discuss all of the aspects regarding your circumstances, including; medical needs, dietary requirements, mobility, financials, interests and hobbies. It is the information we receive from you that we base our recomendations on. The more you can provide us with, the better we can provide stree-free solutions. We have a database of fully vetted homes and service providers across Canada, and can read our clients reviews to gain even more insight as to what places and companies will be the best for you. This is insight gained from people, like you, who have provided us with trusted, first-hand reviews.
How qualified are you to provide recommendations?We are the most qualified advisory service in Canada. We are a Canadian company lead by a team with real industry experience. We are run by a CEO that is one of the largest, senior's housing experts in Canada. Collectively we are deeply rooted in the Canadian senior's housing and care industry and we have a deep understanding of providers throughout Canada.
Your service is free, but are there hidden fees?"Absolutely not! Help for Mom is a free service to our clients. If a client chooses a service providor or retirement residence which is partnered with us they will pay us a referral fee which cannot be passed along to the client. However, we will suggest what we believe to be the best option whether we receive a fee or not.
What is a respite stay?Respite stay refers to accommodations for a short time. Reasons may include post-operative recovery, convalescence, caregiver relief or simply a trial run. Fees are generally consistent with what the residence would charge for permanent occupancy.
Should I keep my loved one at home during the Covid-19 pandemic?This is a very personal choice. We are happy to discuss the differences between retirement living and long term care, shared rooms, private rooms, stages of health and the multitude of other factors involved when making this decision. Call us!
What is your Privacy Policy?Disclaimer This website is to be used for informational purposes only. Access to this site and use of its contents are at your own risk. Help For Mom endeavors to ensure that information being presented is accurate and reliable, but it is provided without warranties or guarantees of any kind. Help For Mom does not employ or endorse any one care or service provider nor is are they responsible for the conduct of any care or service provider. Help For Mom provides information that allows interested parties who are seeking care, help or information and service/care providers to connect and make informed decisions. Each individual party is solely responsible for selecting an appropriate service/care provider or care seeker for themselves or a third party and for complying with all applicable provincial and local laws with respect to any contractual, service or employment relationship they establish. The information on this website and/or what we provide via telephone is for general information purposes only. Nothing contained on this site should be viewed as medical advice. Help For Mom does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatments nor engage in any conduct that requires a professional license. Links to other websites (third party) are provided for additional information for the end user only and Help For Mom makes no warranties or guarantees concerning third party websites or the information, products or services they offer. Our disclaimer and privacy policies do not extend to these third party websites. Privacy Policy HOW WE PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. By using our service you accept and agree to the terms and conditions of this privacy policy. In particular, you consent to our collection and use of your personal information as described in this privacy policy. THE TYPE OF INFORMATION WE COLLECT FROM YOU Help For Mom ElderCare Advisors may ask for your Personal Information and personal health information to assist you in locating senior living options. This Personal Information will be collected by telephone or by e-mail for the purposes of assessing your needs and preferences when searching for senior living services. This personal information may be shared with Senior Living Providers we have referred to you to the extent required and may be disclosed in response to valid demands or requests from governments, regulators, courts and law enforcement authorities in Canada. Simply by visiting our website you automatically tell us certain information such as, your IP address, when you visited, the website, from where you came prior to visiting us, the website where you go when you leave our website, your computer’s operating system, and the type of web browser that you are using. Like most other websites, we use cookies to enhance the experience on our site by customizing content based on your preferences. In plain English, this means information that our website's server transfers to your computer. This information can be used to track your session on our website. Cookies may also be used to customize our website content for you as an individual. If you are using one of the common Internet web browsers, you can set up your browser to either let you know when you receive a cookie or to deny cookie access to your computer. We may also collect any data that you provide us by posting it at on website or by email. You can choose not to provide us with information. However, if you do withhold information, we may deny you access to some or all of our website’s services and features. WHAT WE DO WITH YOUR INFORMATION We use your Personal Information for the purposes of finding senior living options and resources that best match your individual needs. Based on the Personal Information that we have collected, we will provide you with the best match of one or more participating Senior Living Providers for your consideration. The Participating Providers may then contact you directly regarding their communities, products, or services. We will work with you and the participating Providers in your search. We may share your Personal Information with one or more Participating Providers. Our contracts with these parties specify 1.) the purpose(s) for which Personal Information has been shared with them and the limited purpose(s) for which the Personal Information may be used by them, and 2.) require that they implement privacy and security practices and procedures comparable to, or at least as stringent as those implemented by us. We may also use your Personal Information for our own internal statistical, design or operational purposes, such as to estimate our audience size, measure aggregate traffic patterns, and understand demographic trends among our users. LINKS TO THIRD PARTIES Please be advised that we may provide links to third party Web sites from our Sites as a service to our users, but we have no ability to control, and are not responsible for, the privacy and data collection, use, and disclosure practices of such sites and the privacy policies of such Web sites may differ from the Sites. MINORS We do not provide services or sell products to children. If you are below the age of 18, you may use our website only with the permission and active involvement of a parent or legal guardian. If you are a minor, please do not provide us or other website visitors with any personal information. POLICY CHANGES The terms of this policy may change from time to time. If such changes are made, we will notify you by a notice posted on our website's home page of the changes that have been made. If you disagree with the changes that have been made, please contact us (by email, using a website contact form, or in writing by mail). Any changes made to this policy will not apply to information we have collected from you prior to making the changes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND AUTHORIZATION By clicking on the "I agree" button our website forms or providing verbal consent over the telephone, that you acknowledge the following: a) a senior seeking living and care services for yourself; or b) an individual authorized to act on behalf of a senior seeking living and care services and possess legal documents such as a Power of Attorney or Guardianship or hold other proof of being the substitute decision maker of the senior seeking living and care services. By clicking on the "I agree" button on our website forms or by providing verbal consent over the telephone, you authorize Help For Mom to collect and share personal health information as described above on behalf of yourself or a senior of which you are authorized to act on their behalf. QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS If you have questions or concernes about the topics covered in this policy, they can be brought to our attention by sending an e-mail to and providing us with information relating to your concern.
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